
                                   Vertexscope (inverto- pseudoscope transformer module)     Buy now

     Recommendations for using of a vertexscope:

- individual trip in the passenger seat of a motorcycle;

- competitions that require orientation in space at the speed ( field of view in a

vertexscope made in a pie pan over the head in a reduced form);

- walk through a familiar city in an attempt to guess where the audience in

vertexscopes is at the moment (city tour with a look at yourself - outside the body);

-find a small object at the time (field of view reduced from the top);

- playing football, etc - outside the body;

- games with the base illusion of  "outside the body”

At interactive science exhibitions (outside the body)

The vertexscope allows to look at ourselves objectively.

The vertexscope enables to create a virtual field of view of 360 degrees around in a

radius of 10 meters and more which can be useful for demonstration of the

mechanisms of constructing schemes of the human body relatively to the

surrounding space in terms of making the field of view outside the body.

Demonstration of recompense factor methods causing motion sickness.

For educational and training purposes

(in- depth lessons of biology, physiology, psychology etc.)

The constructions of all our devices including the vertexscope are made light and

portable, that is extremely handy for field tutorials for pupils and students.

By means of our vertexscope it is quite efficient to explore the most important

features of the organization of areas of the retina of the human eye in their relation

to adaptive functions. The entire field of view is summarized in a pie pan (fisheye

effect) and placed outside of the body, and is projected primarily only in the central

area of the retina. Thus, the peripheral vision is blocked, which is responsible for

orientation in space. However, all the space around is seen on a full scale.

- It is important to explain to students the adaptability of the human organism from

the point of view of stress physiological constraints, aftereffect mechanisms and

their practical application.

- The experiments on adaptation to central virtual field of view, outside of the

usual locations. The study of mechanisms of coordination of proprioceptive body

scheme with the new conditions for the visual analyzer.

-  unexpected visual sensations, emotional discharge (joy, happiness, a sense of

fun, a sense of fairy-tale and the illusory nature of the world like over the body)

- Training of spatial abilities with help of illusion outside the body.

-Psychological experiments on the actualization of the child's perception in adults

(eleven ways to feel reborn).

Compensation of the factors causing the symptoms of seasickness (motion

sickness) due to the effect of the imaginary stabilization horizon (everything looks

much slower, than felt by vestibular system). In such a manner, the apparent

motion of the horizon coincides with the felt and the conflict of the visual system

and the vestibular system does not occur.